I bought one at a gun show in Wisconsin for $280.00. It is in very nice shape. Depending on condition and which version of the model 19 NRA it is (the rifle's original turn-of-the-century military styling was remodeled/modernized in 1933 with a heavier barrel, chunkier beavertail forend target st ock, a faster, accuracy-boosting 'speedlock' firing pin and cosmetic changes), it can be worth up to $500 in today's market. In decent shape, any of them will range from $150-$400. Run a few online searches and read some of the shooters' and collectors' forums. You'll learn some interesting things about your rifle like when it was made and where to find parts and have some fun. I should mention that obviously, the 'NRA' in the name is a reference to the National Rifle Association and that Savage intended the rifle to be a budget competition target rifle.
It succeeded rather nicely. If the bore is in good condition (and most are), with quality ammunition, these rifles are real 'tack drivers' even by today's standards. Assuming you have the skills, you can astound your shooting buddies with what an old.22 can do at a hundred yards.
Welcome to the Predator Masters Forums. » Forums » Hunting » Firearms » Can someone explain the Savage model. Explain the Savage model numbers to me.
It goes without saying (he said), they make deadly accurate small game rifles.
• The Firearms Forum is on online community for all gun enthusiasts. Join us to discuss firearms of all kinds, gun accessories, legal issues and more. Membership is free and we welcome all types of shooters, whether you're a novice or a pro. Come for the info, stay and make some friends.
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It goes without saying (he said), they make deadly accurate small game rifles.
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Unlock additional features, and fewer ads while browsing. Anime bakugan sub indo batch production. Consider upgrading your membership for less than a box of bullets!
...">Savage Arms Model 72 Serial Number Lookup(05.02.2019)It goes without saying (he said), they make deadly accurate small game rifles.
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Unlock additional features, and fewer ads while browsing. Anime bakugan sub indo batch production. Consider upgrading your membership for less than a box of bullets!
...">Savage Arms Model 72 Serial Number Lookup(05.02.2019)