Topic of the Issue St.Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Associate Professor of Institute of Philosophy St.Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Professor of Higher School of Printing and Media Technologies Doctor of Science (Cultural Studies) Perspectives of the Network Paradigm in the Study of Transcultural Processes The modern world is moved by intercultural contacts. It is enriched through interactions and adoptions; revived by collisions; developed by the convergence of meanings and unions of the 'different.' The intensity of these processes today is stimulated by increasing the mobility of people and the development of mass communication. Emerging conditions contribute to the formation of new types of solidarity between representatives of different cultures and the implementation of transcultural projects that are more difficult subject to study through traditional methods of sociology, religious studies and other humanities and social sciences. In search of required research approaches, the author turns to the network interdisciplinary paradigm where it is more important to understand not the categories of “what”, “where”, and “when”, but “what is the basis” and “how it is supported” regarding relations between subjects and objects to be assigned some purport. The article gives an idea about the evolution of network analytics in various fields of scientific knowledge. The key theoretical concepts, patterns, and effects of networks are revealed, such as synergy, emergentism, cluster structures, cultural hubs, etc.
The possibility of using various parameters of the network topology and the dynamics of connectivity in cultural studies is demonstrated with a specific instance. In the new perspectives, the international transcultural Buddhist organization Diamond Way of the Karma Kagyu tradition which has been in demand in fifty countries around the world is being analyzed. The focus of the study is on the Russian component of this network. In conclusion, arguments confirming the adequacy of this approach in the study of not only Buddhist international organizations but also of Buddhism in general, are presented.
It is assumed that this approach and research methods can be effective with others, not only religious materials. The questions that can be already answered are formulated, and areas of research in which questions are not even voiced are indicated. Key words: transcultural, transnational types of solidarity, network paradigm, connectivity, graph theory, cluster structure, network scale, network development dynamics, modern Buddhism. • Agadzhanyan A. Buddizm v sovremennom mire: myagkaya al`ternativa globalizmu // Religiya i globalizaciya na prostorax Evrazii / pod red. Malashenko i S.
M.: Rossijskaya politicheskaya e`nciklopediya (ROSSPE`N); Mosk. Centr Karnegi, 2009. • Granovetter M. Sila slaby`x svyazej / E`konomicheskaya sociologiya.
Neverkovich S.D. Pedagogika fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta: uchebnik dlya studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij, obuchayuchihsya po special'nosti 'Fizicheskaya kul'tura I sport' [Physical culture and sport pedagogics: textbook for students of higher educational establishments, who study 'Physical culture and sport' specialty]. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories.
Telugu tv serials actress hot photos. Her body was shifted to government-run Gandhi Hospital for autopsy and a case was registered in Punjagutta police station. They broke open the door and found her hanging from ceiling fan.
10 № 4 Sentyabr` 2009. • Mamardashvilli M.
Drugoe nebo // Kak ya ponimayu filosofiyu. M.: Kul`tura, 1992. • Ostrovskaya E.
Buddijskie obshhiny` Sankt-Peterburga. SPb., Alateya, 2015. • Proektivny`j slovar` gumanitarny`x nauk / Mixail Naumovich E`pshtejn. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2017.
• Sajt buddizma Almaznogo puti (Data obrashheniya 8.11.2018) • Newman M.E. The Physics of Networks. // Physical Today. November, 2008.
Boris SOKOLOV St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Institute of Philosophy Professor, Doctor of Science (Philosophy) Dai Chuang St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Institute of Philosophy Postgraduate Student Chinese and European Garden: the Condensation of Two Symbolic Worlds and Two Types of «Viewpoint» Any phenomenon of our reality is constituted as condensation of 'optics' of our consciousness and infected with symbolism of cultural tradition.
The possibility of using various parameters of the network topology and the dynamics of connectivity in cultural studies is demonstrated with a specific instance. In the new perspectives, the international transcultural Buddhist organization Diamond Way of the Karma Kagyu tradition which has been in demand in fifty countries around the world is being analyzed. The focus of the study is on the Russian component of this network. In conclusion, arguments confirming the adequacy of this approach in the study of not only Buddhist international organizations but also of Buddhism in general, are presented.
It is assumed that this approach and research methods can be effective with others, not only religious materials. The questions that can be already answered are formulated, and areas of research in which questions are not even voiced are indicated. Key words: transcultural, transnational types of solidarity, network paradigm, connectivity, graph theory, cluster structure, network scale, network development dynamics, modern Buddhism. • Agadzhanyan A. Buddizm v sovremennom mire: myagkaya al`ternativa globalizmu // Religiya i globalizaciya na prostorax Evrazii / pod red. Malashenko i S.
M.: Rossijskaya politicheskaya e`nciklopediya (ROSSPE`N); Mosk. Centr Karnegi, 2009. • Granovetter M. Sila slaby`x svyazej / E`konomicheskaya sociologiya.
Neverkovich S.D. Pedagogika fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta: uchebnik dlya studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij, obuchayuchihsya po special'nosti 'Fizicheskaya kul'tura I sport' [Physical culture and sport pedagogics: textbook for students of higher educational establishments, who study 'Physical culture and sport' specialty]. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories.
Telugu tv serials actress hot photos. Her body was shifted to government-run Gandhi Hospital for autopsy and a case was registered in Punjagutta police station. They broke open the door and found her hanging from ceiling fan.
10 № 4 Sentyabr` 2009. • Mamardashvilli M.
Drugoe nebo // Kak ya ponimayu filosofiyu. M.: Kul`tura, 1992. • Ostrovskaya E.
Buddijskie obshhiny` Sankt-Peterburga. SPb., Alateya, 2015. • Proektivny`j slovar` gumanitarny`x nauk / Mixail Naumovich E`pshtejn. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2017.
• Sajt buddizma Almaznogo puti (Data obrashheniya 8.11.2018) • Newman M.E. The Physics of Networks. // Physical Today. November, 2008.
Boris SOKOLOV St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Institute of Philosophy Professor, Doctor of Science (Philosophy) Dai Chuang St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Institute of Philosophy Postgraduate Student Chinese and European Garden: the Condensation of Two Symbolic Worlds and Two Types of «Viewpoint» Any phenomenon of our reality is constituted as condensation of 'optics' of our consciousness and infected with symbolism of cultural tradition.
...">Pedagogika Fizicheskoj Kuljturi I Sporta Neverkovich(07.01.2019)The possibility of using various parameters of the network topology and the dynamics of connectivity in cultural studies is demonstrated with a specific instance. In the new perspectives, the international transcultural Buddhist organization Diamond Way of the Karma Kagyu tradition which has been in demand in fifty countries around the world is being analyzed. The focus of the study is on the Russian component of this network. In conclusion, arguments confirming the adequacy of this approach in the study of not only Buddhist international organizations but also of Buddhism in general, are presented.
It is assumed that this approach and research methods can be effective with others, not only religious materials. The questions that can be already answered are formulated, and areas of research in which questions are not even voiced are indicated. Key words: transcultural, transnational types of solidarity, network paradigm, connectivity, graph theory, cluster structure, network scale, network development dynamics, modern Buddhism. • Agadzhanyan A. Buddizm v sovremennom mire: myagkaya al`ternativa globalizmu // Religiya i globalizaciya na prostorax Evrazii / pod red. Malashenko i S.
M.: Rossijskaya politicheskaya e`nciklopediya (ROSSPE`N); Mosk. Centr Karnegi, 2009. • Granovetter M. Sila slaby`x svyazej / E`konomicheskaya sociologiya.
Neverkovich S.D. Pedagogika fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta: uchebnik dlya studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij, obuchayuchihsya po special'nosti 'Fizicheskaya kul'tura I sport' [Physical culture and sport pedagogics: textbook for students of higher educational establishments, who study 'Physical culture and sport' specialty]. Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. No Archives Categories.
Telugu tv serials actress hot photos. Her body was shifted to government-run Gandhi Hospital for autopsy and a case was registered in Punjagutta police station. They broke open the door and found her hanging from ceiling fan.
10 № 4 Sentyabr` 2009. • Mamardashvilli M.
Drugoe nebo // Kak ya ponimayu filosofiyu. M.: Kul`tura, 1992. • Ostrovskaya E.
Buddijskie obshhiny` Sankt-Peterburga. SPb., Alateya, 2015. • Proektivny`j slovar` gumanitarny`x nauk / Mixail Naumovich E`pshtejn. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2017.
• Sajt buddizma Almaznogo puti (Data obrashheniya 8.11.2018) • Newman M.E. The Physics of Networks. // Physical Today. November, 2008.
Boris SOKOLOV St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Institute of Philosophy Professor, Doctor of Science (Philosophy) Dai Chuang St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Institute of Philosophy Postgraduate Student Chinese and European Garden: the Condensation of Two Symbolic Worlds and Two Types of «Viewpoint» Any phenomenon of our reality is constituted as condensation of 'optics' of our consciousness and infected with symbolism of cultural tradition.
...">Pedagogika Fizicheskoj Kuljturi I Sporta Neverkovich(07.01.2019)